This document explains the key concepts behind iaptic's Stripe integration.
Core Components
1. Access Keys
Access keys are secure tokens that allow client applications to verify subscription status without exposing Stripe API keys. They:
- Are generated during checkout
- Have a 30-day expiration
- Can be rotated automatically
- Are subscription-specific
2. Entitlement Strategies
Determines how subscriptions are associated with users:
- ALL_CLAIMERS: Multiple users can share a subscription
- LAST_CLAIMER: Only the most recent user has access
3. Product Types
Three types of products supported:
- Paid Subscriptions: Recurring payments
- Consumables: One-time purchases
- Non-consumables: Permanent one-time purchases
4. Metadata
Stripe metadata is used to:
- Define product types
- Store user associations
- Control product visibility
- Configure features
Key Relationships
Subscription Ownership
graph LR
A[Subscription] -- metadata --> B[application_username]
B -- strategy --> C[Entitlement]
C -- ALL_CLAIMERS --> D[Multiple Users]
C -- LAST_CLAIMER --> E[Single User]
Access Control
graph LR
A[Client] -- access_key --> B[API]
B -- verify --> C[Subscription]
C -- rotate --> D[New Access Key]
D -- return --> A
Integration Points
1. Checkout Flow
- Create checkout session
- Generate access key
- Store in subscription metadata
- Complete payment
- Associate with user
2. Subscription Management
- Customer portal access
- Plan changes
- Payment updates
- Cancellation
3. Webhook Processing
- Event reception
- Signature verification
- Metadata processing
- Status updates
Technical Requirements
API Version
- Stripe API version:
- Required for webhook compatibility
- Ensures consistent behavior
Security Model
- Client-side: Access keys
- Server-side: API keys
- Webhook: Signing secrets
Common Patterns
User Association
// During checkout
metadata: {
application_username: 'user123'
// After purchase
Product Configuration
// Subscription product
metadata: {
product_type: 'paid subscription',
features: 'premium,api,support'
// One-time purchase
metadata: {
product_type: 'consumable',
credits: '1000'
Access Control
// Client-side verification
const { purchases } = await iaptic.getPurchases(
// Server-side verification
const subscription = await stripe.subscriptions.retrieve(
State Management
Subscription States
- Active
- Past Due
- Canceled
- Trial
- Incomplete
- Incomplete Expired
Access Key States
- Valid
- Expiring
- Expired
- Rotated
Integration Boundaries
Client Responsibility
- Store access keys
- Handle rotation
- Manage UI state
- Process errors
Server Responsibility
- Process webhooks
- Validate signatures
- Update metadata
- Track state
Iaptic Responsibility
- Generate access keys
- Validate subscriptions
- Process events
- Manage entitlements