6 min read

Configure Stripe Products

This guide explains how to configure your products and prices in Stripe to work seamlessly with iaptic.

Define Product Types

Iaptic supports three product types:

  • Subscriptions (recurring payments)
  • Consumables (one-time purchases)
  • Non-consumables (permanent one-time purchases)

Set the product type using Stripe metadata:

  "product_type": "paid subscription" | "consumable" | "non consumable"

If no type is specified:

  • Products with recurring prices default to "paid subscription"
  • Products with one-time prices default to "consumable"

Important: A product must be either subscription-only or one-time-only. Mixed pricing types are not supported.

Add Product Information

Use metadata to store product-specific information:

  "tier": "basic" | "premium" | "enterprise",
  "max_users": "5" | "unlimited",
  "features": "backup,api,support",
  "can_purchase": "true" | "false"

This metadata is available to your application through the iaptic API:

const { products } = await iaptic.getProducts();
const premiumPlan = products.find(p => 
  p.metadata?.tier === 'premium'

Configure Prices

Subscription Prices

// In Stripe Dashboard:
  "recurring": {
    "interval": "month" | "year",
    "interval_count": 1,
  "currency": "usd",
  "unit_amount": 999 // $9.99

One-time Prices

// In Stripe Dashboard:
  "currency": "usd",
  "unit_amount": 499 // $4.99

Control Visibility

Products can be hidden from the catalog in several ways:

  1. Archive in Stripe:

    await stripe.products.update('prod_xyz', { active: false });
  2. Use metadata:

      "can_purchase": "false"
  3. Filter client-side:

    const availableProducts = products.filter(p => 
      p.metadata?.can_purchase === 'true' &&
      p.metadata?.tier !== 'enterprise'

Example Configurations

Premium Subscription

// Product
  "name": "Premium Plan",
  "metadata": {
    "product_type": "paid subscription",
    "tier": "premium",
    "features": "all",
    "max_users": "unlimited",
    "can_purchase": "true"

// Prices
    "recurring": { "interval": "month" },
    "currency": "usd",
    "unit_amount": 999
    "recurring": { "interval": "year" },
    "currency": "usd",
    "unit_amount": 9990

Credit Pack (Consumable)

// Product
  "name": "1000 Credits",
  "metadata": {
    "product_type": "consumable",
    "credits": "1000",
    "can_purchase": "true"

// Price
  "currency": "usd",
  "unit_amount": 499

Best Practices

  1. Product Types

    • Keep product types consistent
    • Don't mix subscription and one-time prices
    • Use explicit types in metadata
  2. Metadata

    • Use consistent keys across products
    • Document metadata schema for your team
    • Keep values as strings
  3. Prices

    • Use consistent currency formatting
    • Consider regional pricing
    • Plan trial periods carefully
  4. Visibility

    • Archive obsolete products instead of deleting
    • Use can_purchase to temporarily disable products
    • Test visibility controls in development


Product Not Appearing

  1. Check product is active in Stripe
  2. Verify can_purchase metadata
  3. Ensure price is active
  4. Check product type is valid
  5. Verify no mixed price types

Invalid Product Type

  1. Check metadata spelling
  2. Verify no mixed price types
  3. Archive and recreate if needed

Price Issues

  1. Verify currency code is valid
  2. Check amount formatting
  3. Ensure price is active
  4. Verify recurring settings