Complete reference for the iaptic Stripe client library (IapticStripe
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const iaptic = new IapticStripe({
stripePublicKey: string; // Stripe publishable key (pk_*)
appName: string; // Your app identifier
apiKey: string; // Iaptic public API key
customIapticUrl?: string; // Optional custom API URL
Products and Prices
Fetches available products with prices.
interface ProductsResponse {
ok: boolean;
products: Array<{
type: 'subscription' | 'consumable' | 'non_consumable';
id: string;
title: string;
description?: string;
offers: Array<{
id: string;
platform: 'stripe';
offerType: 'Subscription' | 'Default';
pricingPhases: Array<{
priceMicros: number;
currency: string;
billingPeriod?: string; // ISO 8601 duration
paymentMode: 'PayAsYouGo' | 'PayUpFront';
metadata?: Record<string, string>;
const { products } = await iaptic.getProducts();
Creates a checkout session for subscription or one-time purchase.
interface CheckoutResponse {
ok: boolean;
sessionId: string; // Stripe session ID (cs_*)
url: string; // Checkout URL
accessKey: string; // Access key for verification
const response = await iaptic.createStripeCheckout({
offerId: string; // Format: "stripe:prod_xyz#price_xyz"
applicationUsername: string; // User identifier
successUrl: string; // Redirect after success
cancelUrl: string; // Redirect after cancel
Subscription Management
Verifies subscription status and returns purchase details.
interface Purchase {
purchaseId: string; // Format: "stripe:sub_xyz"
transactionId: string; // Format: "stripe:pi_xyz"
productId: string; // Format: "stripe:prod_xyz"
platform: 'stripe';
purchaseDate: string; // ISO 8601
lastRenewalDate?: string; // ISO 8601
expirationDate: string; // ISO 8601
renewalIntent: 'Renew' | 'Cancel';
isTrialPeriod: boolean;
amountMicros: number;
currency: string;
interface PurchasesResponse {
ok: boolean;
purchases: Purchase[];
new_access_keys?: Record<string, string>;
const { purchases, new_access_keys } = await iaptic.getPurchases(
subscriptionId?: string, // Optional: specific subscription
accessKey?: string // Optional: stored access key
Changes subscription to a different plan.
interface ChangePlanResponse {
ok: boolean;
purchase: Purchase;
new_access_keys?: Record<string, string>;
const response = await iaptic.changePlan({
id: string; // Subscription ID
offerId: string; // New offer ID
accessKey?: string; // Current access key
Redirects to Stripe Customer Portal for subscription management.
await iaptic.redirectToCustomerPortal({
id?: string; // Subscription ID
accessKey?: string; // Access key
returnUrl: string; // Return URL after management
Utility Methods
Formats price amount with currency symbol.
const formatted = iaptic.formatCurrency(
amountMicros: number, // Price in micros (1/1,000,000)
currency: string // Currency code (e.g., 'USD')
// Returns: "$9.99"
Formats ISO 8601 duration in plain English.
const period = iaptic.formatBillingPeriodEN(
period: string // ISO 8601 duration (e.g., "P1M")
// Returns: "Monthly"
Error Handling
interface ErrorResponse {
status: number; // HTTP status code
code: number; // Error code
message: string; // Error message
try {
await iaptic.getPurchases();
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === 'INVALID_ACCESS_KEY') {
// Handle invalid/expired access key
Storage Management
Access Keys
// Store access key
localStorage.setItem('stripe_access_key', response.accessKey);
// Get stored key
const key = localStorage.getItem('stripe_access_key');
// Clear stored keys
Debug Methods
Returns internal state for debugging.
const debug = iaptic.debugDump();
// Returns: {
// version: string;
// config: Object;
// storage: Object;
// refreshScheduler: Object;
// }