6 min read

Receipt Validation API

Universal Receipt Validation 🔄

The foundation for integrating any platform with Iaptic. Validate purchases from:

  • App Store (iOS/macOS)
  • Play Store (Android)
  • Stripe (Web)
  • Third-party stores

Why Use This Endpoint?

  • 🛡️ Secure Validation: Direct platform verification
  • 🔄 Unified Interface: Single API for all platforms
  • 📦 State Management: Automatic purchase tracking
  • Real-time Sync: Immediate entitlement updates

How It Works

    participant Your App
    participant Your Server
    participant Iaptic
    participant Store
    Your App->>Iaptic: POST /v3/validate (with receipt)
    Iaptic->>Store: Verify receipt
    Store-->>Iaptic: Validation response
    Iaptic->>Iaptic: Process platform response
    Iaptic-->>Your App: Normalized validation result
    Iaptic-->>Your Server: Webhook notification


iOS Request (Application Receipt):

  "id": "app.example.com",
  "type": "application",
  "transaction": {
    "type": "ios-appstore",
    "id": "app.example.com",
    "appStoreReceipt": "MIIa...<base64 encoded receipt>..."
  "additionalData": {
    "applicationUsername": "user_12345"

iOS Request (StoreKit 2 Receipt):

The StoreKit 2 receipt is encoded as a JWS token store in the Transaction object as jwsRepresentation. This is how you should include it in the validation request:

  "id": "monthly_premium", // This is the id of the product
  "type": "paid subscription", // This is the type of the product
  "transaction": {
    "type": "apple-sk2", // Use "apple-sk2" for StoreKit 2 receipts
    "id": "<transaction id>", // This is the id of the transaction to validate
    "jwsRepresentation": "<encoded receipt>" // The encoded receipt

Android Request:

  "id": "com.example.premium",
  "type": "subscription",
  "transaction": {
    "id": "GPA.1234-5678-9012-34567",
    "type": "android-playstore",
    "purchaseToken": "opaque_token_string",
    "receipt": "{...}",
    "signature": "Base64_RSA_signature"
  "products": [
      "id": "premium_monthly",
      "type": "subscription",
      "platforms": ["android"]

Success Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "ok": true,
  "data": {
    "ineligible_for_intro_price": ["premium_monthly"],
    "id": "com.example.app.subscription",
    "collection": [
        "id": "premium_monthly",
        "purchaseDate": 1630454400000,
        "expiryDate": 1633046400000,
        "isExpired": false,
        "isTrialPeriod": false,
        "isIntroPeriod": true,
        "renewalIntent": "Renew",
        "lastRenewalDate": 1630458000000
    "transaction": {
      "platform-specific transaction data": "can be ignored"

Error Response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

  "ok": false,
  "status": 419,
  "code": 6778003,
  "message": "Transaction has expired 2023-01-01 00:00:00 Etc/GMT",
  "data": {
    "latest_receipt": true

Implementation Guide

  1. Collect Receipt: After successful in-app purchase, obtain platform-specific receipt
  2. Build Request:
    • Android: Include purchase token, receipt JSON, and signature
    • iOS: Include full App Store receipt
  3. Send Validation: POST to /v3/validate with authentication headers
  4. Handle Response:
    • Success: Store validation result and grant access, using the collection data as verified purchases.
    • Error: Surface appropriate message to user


Common Issues:

  • 🔑 authentication_failed: Verify your appName/publicKey combination
  • 📄 invalid_request: Check required fields in request body, and your settings are complete for the platform you are validating on.
  • validation_failed: Check Events for more details.

Next Steps

  • Check the API reference for more details.
  • Check the Webhook page for more details on how to handle the webhook notifications on your server.